25th July 2017 How to Install a Curved Architrave Installing a curved architrave can seem like a daunting task! We have prepared this easy to follow step by step guide to help you create the beautiful look you want to achieve. STEP 1 Place curved head architrave in place and pin, allowing for a quirk or step off reveal edge (typically 5mm). Trace around the inside and outside edge. STEP 2 Place two side upright architraves in place and pin, allowing for 5mm quirk or step. Trace around inside and outside edges of both upright architraves. Take particular care where the line tracings intersect with the curved head lines. STEP 3 Remove the upright architraves, and the trace lines will be left on the wall. Draw lines connecting the intersection points of the curved and the straight lines. The angle lines may then be transferred onto the architraves by two options: a) using a sliding bevel or a combination square; or b) pin the curved architrave in place. transfer the intersection points to the inside and outside edges of the architrave. Join these points to form the angle to be cut. Repeat this process with the top of the straight upright architraves. STEP 4 Trim the architraves to the lines marked on them and install . Looking for more? If you would like more assistance, have any questions, or would like a PDF copy of our installation guide, please contact our friendly product team.