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Curved mouldings

Timber Mouldings for curved walls, explore the range of curved mouldings solutions, materials and profiles that can be applied for curve walls.

Explore the range

Curved Architraves

Custom-made curved architraves, elliptical arches, and porthole windows architraves are popular choices in today's architecture. Made to your size exact specifications on any of our architrave designs on our state-of-the-art machinery.

Casa Trim Wall Battens

Intrim Casa Trim Wall Battens are timber battens with a chamfered edge attached to a wall or ceiling in a linear pattern to create a timber panel feature wall. Used in Board and Batten Wainscoting.

Wall and Ceiling Panelling

Intrim offers a large selection of timber wall and ceiling panelling solutions from timber mouldings to create Wainscoting to wall battens, lining boards and large VJ wall panelling sheets to decorative ceiling treatments. From classic to modern contemporary, Hamptons to coastal, no matter the style we have a wall panelling solution. Explore the range of styles and options.

What is Kerfing?

Kerfing is the process of cutting a number of slots into a piece of material/wood that allows it to bend. By cutting slots you are essentially making the material thinner, so it can be flexed to follow a curve. Using this method, you can even make wide or tall parts. Kerfing allows the creation of half round and elliptical arches, curved architraves and custom-made curved timber mouldings that complement your beautiful curved walls. Be it Georgian, colonial, Victorian or a modern house curved hallways arches and walls give it a magnificent look which is made possible by Kerfing technique. Kerfing is undertaken by a skilled carpenter.

Frequently asked questions

What size curved moulding can you make?

We can make any standard sizes. Polyurethane is 5.1m in lengths up to 24mm thick, and MDF is 5.4m in lengths up to 32mm thick.

What shape curved mouldings are available?

Our state of the art machinery can create half round and elliptical arches, curved architraves and custom made curved timber mouldings to specification.

What type of material is better for an arch or curved moulding?

Curved Architraves can be produced in finger joint pine or MDF. MDF is generally a little cheaper than FJ Pine. A curved moulding may also be made in a flexible polyurathene material subject to the profile size.

How do I get a quote for a custom arch or curve moulding?

Complete our enquiry form here.  

My radius is tighter than your material can curve to. What are my options?

We would suggest trying kerfing to make the material curve more.


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