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Intrim® WB35

Modern Coastal


As seen in Three Birds Renovations House 12 #contemporarycottage

Intrim® WB35 timber wall batten is used like an inlay mould in an unconventional way to create a stand out wall feature, creating texture and detailing to a wall. This dramatic look adds dimension, value and ‘WOW’ to any room.

Available in 185mm wide and 12mm thick and crafted in a range of timbers and finishes including FJ Pine, FJ Pine Primed, MR MDF, MR MDF Primed.

This style of moulding is recommended for use in a Traditional or Modern style interior.

Available in:

  • 185mm wide x 12mm thick x 5400mm length
  • FJ Pine
  • FJ Pine Primed
  • MR MDF
  • MR MDF Primed
Materials & finishes

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Frequently asked questions

Is wainscoting modern?

Wainscoting is versatile and can be used in many different ways depending on style and can work fabulously in a modern space or home. Modern wainscoting styles provide interiors’ with greater dimension and refined detail, creating a sophisticated, elegant home environment. Wainscoting also offers a framed feature to display keepsakes and picture frames and is a cost-effective method to hide damaged plasterboard and increase the durability of interior walls.

Is Wainscoting expensive?

Depending on the method used wainscoting can be expensive. Traditionally it would be installed using a method called ‘raised panel’ wainscoting, where boards (usually MDF sheets) and battens are installed on the walls to create depth by projecting from the wall. The inlay mould is then installed around the inside lip of these raised board panels. This will give you a traditional Hamptons look and will be beautiful, but it also adds additional cost. This method requires more material and it is much more labour intensive. So how can you combat this? The alternative method of installation is the direct wall application, where for want of a better explanation, you ‘stick’ or install the inlay mould in the ‘frames’ directly to your wall. Usually, these are nailed on, but we also have DIY wainscoting kits so you can install them yourself (saving even more cash) by simply sticking them on the wall.

Can I use VJ Board Pro on the ceiling?

Yes, VJ Board pro is an ideal product for both walls & ceilings. Coming in set lengths up to 3.6m long it is a popular choice for ceilings. See it used here in Front Porch Properties Rachael Turner's Burleigh Beach Shack.

What is the minimum quantity you can order?

The minimum order quantity is 10 lengths. Furthermore, we always recommend increasing your order slightly to allow for any wastage or damage. It is the most cost-effective option instead of placing a top-up order if you underestimate your requirements. 

What is the difference between a wood beam and a faux wood beam?

Ceiling beams are typically solid timber or steel and provide the supporting structure to hold up the roof or flooring of the level above. A faux wood beam or Intrim non-structural beam wrap provides the look of a structural beam however is a 3 sided box ceiling beam that is hollow inside. It is purely aesthetic and has no structural support. The cost differences are substantial as solid structural timber is expensive, while the beam wrap is 3 smaller pieces that create the look. This means they are
  • Lower cost
  • Lighter weight therefore easier to install
  • You can also run writing for various electrical devices such as sound systems and lighting inside the hollow box.

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